Since 2017, TFCO Michigan has demonstrated excellent outcomes.
In 2017, the State of Michigan began looking for an evidence-based practice that would strengthen and support the existing Medicaid service, Children’s Therapeutic Foster Care (CTFC), bridging the gap between community and out of home care. In this search, TFCO was identified as a highly effective intensive behavioral health treatment model that supported children and youth remaining in the community, while also including a parallel parent/family intervention.
The State of Michigan contacted TFC Consultants in Oregon to discuss implementing TFCO in Michigan within the public mental health system using CTFC. Wayne State University was identified as a partner to oversee the implementation of TFCO at the first few sites in the Michigan initiative in 2018. Wayne County and Clinton, Eaton, Ingham counties were initially identified as the first TFCO sites in Michigan. Results from initial sites have demonstrated excellent outcomes for children, youth and their families who would otherwise be served by locked-care settings. Under the leadership of MDHHS, in partnership with Wayne State University, the Michigan TFCO Initiative is excited to grow and expand, with plans to triple existing TFCO sites by 2024.

CTFC and TFCO Defined
Treatment Foster Care Oregon (TFCO) is the evidence based practice we are using for CTFC. It uses CTFC Medicaid service as the structure for delivering clinical services.
Just like the icing, it is layered on the top of the cupcake. It adds a little something extra, makes the cupcake unique and identifiable.

Children’s Therapeutic Foster Care (CTFC) is the Medicaid SEDW service. It is a statewide service. It does not require an evidence based practice. Just like the cupcake, it provides the structure, the base, and the core components.